HEX Color Conversion Tool (HEX to RGB, HSL & CMYK)

Conversion Results

RGB: -
HSL: -

Conversion Formulas (Simplified)

HEX to RGB: Convert each pair of HEX values (R, G, B) to decimal values using base-16.
RGB to HSL: - H = Hue (angle of color on color wheel) - S = Saturation (intensity of color) - L = Lightness (brightness of color) Formula calculates based on max/min values of R, G, B.
RGB to CMYK: - C = Cyan - M = Magenta - Y = Yellow - K = Key (black) Convert RGB values to percentages and derive CMYK values based on complementarity.

Brightness & Saturation Adjustments

Color Distribution (RGB)

Red: 0%
Green: 0%
Blue: 0%

Sample HEX Colors


1. HEX to RGB Conversion


HEX is a 6-digit hexadecimal value representing red, green, and blue (R, G, B). Each pair of digits corresponds to a value between 0-255.

  1. Split the HEX code into pairs:

    • First two characters = Red (R)
    • Next two characters = Green (G)
    • Last two characters = Blue (B)
  2. Convert each pair from hexadecimal (base-16) to decimal (base-10).


HEX Code: #4CAF50

  1. Split into pairs:

    • Red = 4C
    • Green = AF
    • Blue = 50
  2. Convert to decimal:

    • 4C → ( 4 \times 16 + 12 = 76 )
    • AF → ( 10 \times 16 + 15 = 175 )
    • 50 → ( 5 \times 16 + 0 = 80 )

Result: RGB(76, 175, 80)

2. RGB to HSL Conversion


HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness:

  • Hue (H): Angle on the color wheel (0° to 360°).
  • Saturation (S): Intensity of the color (0% to 100%).
  • Lightness (L): Brightness of the color (0% to 100%).


  1. Normalize RGB values to a range of 0-1:
    ( R{norm} = R/255, \, G{norm} = G/255, \, B_{norm} = B/255 )

  2. Calculate max and min values:
    ( \text{max} = \max(R{norm}, G{norm}, B{norm}) )
    ( \text{min} = \min(R
    {norm}, G{norm}, B{norm}) )

  3. Compute Lightness (L):
    ( L = (\text{max} + \text{min}) / 2 )

  4. Compute Saturation (S):

    • If ( \text{max} = \text{min} ), ( S = 0 ) (grayscale).
    • Otherwise,
      ( S = \frac{\text{max} - \text{min}}{1 - |2L - 1|} )
  5. Compute Hue (H):

    • If ( \text{max} = R{norm} ):
      ( H = 60 \times ((G
      {norm} - B_{norm}) / (\text{max} - \text{min})) + 360 ) (mod 360)
    • If ( \text{max} = G{norm} ):
      ( H = 60 \times ((B
      {norm} - R_{norm}) / (\text{max} - \text{min})) + 120 )
    • If ( \text{max} = B{norm} ):
      ( H = 60 \times ((R
      {norm} - G_{norm}) / (\text{max} - \text{min})) + 240 )


RGB: ( (76, 175, 80) )

  1. Normalize:
    ( R{norm} = 76 / 255 = 0.298, \, G{norm} = 175 / 255 = 0.686, \, B_{norm} = 80 / 255 = 0.314 )

  2. Max = 0.686, Min = 0.298
    ( L = (0.686 + 0.298) / 2 = 0.492 )

  3. Saturation: ( S = \frac{0.686 - 0.298}{1 - |2 \times 0.492 - 1|} = 0.579 ) (57.9%)

  4. Hue: ( H = 60 \times \frac{(0.686 - 0.314)}{0.686 - 0.298} + 360 ) (mod 360)
    ( H = 123° )

Result: HSL(123°, 57.9%, 49.2%)

3. RGB to CMYK Conversion


CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black). The formula converts RGB into percentages for printing.


  1. Normalize RGB to a 0-1 range:
    ( R{norm} = R/255, \, G{norm} = G/255, \, B_{norm} = B/255 )

  2. Compute Key (K):
    ( K = 1 - \max(R{norm}, G{norm}, B_{norm}) )

  3. Compute Cyan (C), Magenta (M), and Yellow (Y):

    • ( C = \frac{1 - R_{norm} - K}{1 - K} )
    • ( M = \frac{1 - G_{norm} - K}{1 - K} )
    • ( Y = \frac{1 - B_{norm} - K}{1 - K} )

If ( K = 1 ), then ( C = M = Y = 0 ).


RGB: ( (76, 175, 80) )

  1. Normalize:
    ( R{norm} = 76 / 255 = 0.298, \, G{norm} = 175 / 255 = 0.686, \, B_{norm} = 80 / 255 = 0.314 )

  2. Compute Key (K):
    ( K = 1 - \max(0.298, 0.686, 0.314) = 0.314 )

  3. Compute Cyan (C):
    ( C = \frac{1 - 0.298 - 0.314}{1 - 0.314} = 0.702 ) (70.2%)

  4. Compute Magenta (M):
    ( M = \frac{1 - 0.686 - 0.314}{1 - 0.314} = 0.000 ) (0%)

  5. Compute Yellow (Y):
    ( Y = \frac{1 - 0.314 - 0.314}{1 - 0.314} = 0.500 ) (50%)

Result: CMYK(70.2%, 0%, 50%, 31.4%)

Summary Table of Example Conversions

#4CAF50 RGB(76, 175, 80) HSL(123°, 57.9%, 49.2%) CMYK(70.2%, 0%, 50%, 31.4%)

This step-by-step breakdown helps you to understand exactly how your HEX color codes are converted into other formats!

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